Dear Rachel

Dear Rachel,

I've always though that I would be an attorney. I went to law school and that didn't work out. I've recently realized that the future that I want for myself is in fashion. I've created this Instagram (@wildlittlesunflower) to showcase my style but it's just the beginning for me. 

My question is how do I do this? How dow I build my platform and where can I find resources? 


Wild Little Sunflower



Dear Wild Little Sunflower,

How interesting! I was also once enrolled in law school and I too felt that I did not belong there. Law is black and white and fashion is a beautiful grey. Congratulations on following your passion and following your heart! 

I cannot emphasize to you enough to think outside of the box and research the many different jobs in fashion to get your feet wet. Amy Astley's book on careers available in fashion is truly helpful to see how much is out there before you spend money on a business you have never spent any meaningful time working in. 

Good luck!




Dear Rachel,

My question is denim related. First, I want to pay my respects. I am also a huge fan of vintage Levi's 501s and I think it is the coolest thing ever that you rep them so often. 

Now to the question: do you think that in time athleisure will be the death of denim? I'm one of the very few who argues that stretch has ruined jeans and I worry about the future of my beloved fabric.


Denim Dude 501


Dear Denim Dude 501,

I too am a 501 denim lover! From the moment I saw Sade wearing them with a white men's blouse and perfect red lips, I was an eternal fan of the fit, authentic, and historic feel. They are all just so damn cool. 

No, denim with stretch does not worry me. Quite frankly, denim with stretch is a category, not a replacement for true denim. Nothing can replace Levi's button fly 501's. Those that know, just know. 




Dear Rachel,

You're super successful and a HUGE inspiration! I love all of your designs! I am looking into opening my own boutique in my hometown and would love any advice you may have for me in regards to being a business owner. Fashion is 100% my passion but opening a store is intimidating and scary.

Thank you!  


Styled By Whit 


Dear Styled by Whit,

Great question! I have some questions for you: have you done any research as to what type of stores do well in the town you are hoping to open a store in? What price point does well? Have you looked into rent and the economics of your retail business? Have you considered renting a space with an already existing store to feel out the business? Have you considered a pop up shop to see if you even like being a shop owner?

I would start there and see what you have learned and how you feel. Keep me posted and I can suggest next steps based on that.

Good luck and follow your heart! 




Dear Rachel,

How do you balance work and family? I work for myself and I completely understanding signing off and being present. But how do you then be accessible to clients and find the time to do everything that needs to be done in a day? 

Asking for a friend! 

Thank you!  


Erica In Your Area


Dear Erica In Your Area,

Balance is one of the most difficult things to master which is why they have zen masters teach it. Although I do with it was taught in public schools for us all. 

Firstly, I don't do many things well at the same time. I do one thing at a time well. If I am being present and a good mother, than I am not taking care of my clients. If I am being a good coworker and executive, my children are not getting my attention personally. It is just how it goes and I am at peace with it. 

I practice 4, 7, 8 breathing and meditation twice a day. It helps me tremendously and may help your friend as well. Look it up if you are not familiar with it.

Remember, it is a daily journey. Try and try again. 




Dear Rachel,

I feel lost. I am 22 and have no idea how to choose a career path. Everything I see on TV or on social media is fancy clothing, fancy homes, fancy vacations, fancy lives with fancy faces. How is this actually achievable for ME though?

How can I make enough money to rent an apt, buy a car, buy the clothes, the jewelry, the purses, the make up and how will I have enough time to work out to stay thin enough to complete with what life honors: beautiful girls at the right restaurants and events in expensive clothes yet wearing next to nothing? 

It is overwhelming. 


Bakersfield, CA


Dear Bakersfield,

Break out the Bubbly! Here is the good news. YOU can control what you view and in-take on social media and television. 

Yes, if those images, (and I agree they are so many of them and can be so annoying) do upset you or in anyway bring you down then UNFOLLOW and don’t watch!

Here’s the beauty of social media and television, WE are in control of what we choose to fill ourselves up with. Ask yourself what makes you happy and joy-FILLED; is it the ocean, flowers, food, babies, poetry? 

Then follow accounts and watch shows based on and apply to work in areas around those subjects and cut the crap out of your energy and out of your space!

As for what life honors, real life honors those that live their truest most authentic life. You will find yours when you start to filter out the negative and seek out only that which fills you up with goodness inspiration love and strength. 

Start there! 




Dear Rachel,

I can’t stand my boss but I love my job. What should I do?


Yonkers, NY


Dear Yonkers,

I understand, I do. I’ve been working since I was 14 and have had many bosses that were A holes.

However, the fact that you love your actual work makes this a tricky one. Step one BREATHE. It makes everything better.

Loving your work is important. Loving your boss, not as much. Without knowing specifics or how often you work with or interact with her/him, I would tell you to learn what you can from the uncomfortable moments, there is always something to learn.

And if you truly feel your quality of work going down because of the stress then change your situation. But if you can put horse blinders on regrading your boss and still shine at work and make a difference then do just that. Find the joy and do not let someone else’s confusion and low consciousness bring you down.
